Poor Cat's Mouth Infected with Feline Stomatitis illness

We found this poor cat starving because of her mouth infection. We took her to the Vet and Vet informed us that Stomatitis diseases in cats are common, painful, and affect cats of all breeds and ages. While it can be fatal, the right treatment can help your cat live comfortably with this condition.
But the cat may need everyday treatment for the rest of her life with Oral rinses or gels to manage pain and to decrease inflammation. Many cats will require broad-spectrum antibiotics, chlorhexidine rinses or gels, and anti-inflammatory medications.
As Rescue Strays, we know that no one will adopt our princess but we are happy to have her for the rest of her life and make sure she gets the daily treatments 3 times a day. We named her princess and seeing her getting better every day is priceless.

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