$40.00 / month
Pablo is a Cane Corso breed and was trained as a fighting dog since birth. When we met him at 2 1/2 years old, he had been in the dogfight rings for over a year. He still carries the scars from those terrible times.
He only ever lost one fight, but that was enough to draw the rage from his owner. He would give him only raw bread for food and kick him in memory of that lost fight every time he saw him.
Finally, one of his neighbors approached him witnessing this torture for 3 weeks and was yelled at for his trouble. The owner even admitted that he would leave the dog to die because of his lost fight, at which point the neighbor knew he had to act.
The neighbor informed the local authorities but when he didn’t get a response, he reached out to us and explained Pablo’s situation. How Pablo was seized from his owner is another harrowing tale we won’t discuss.
After 6 long months of rehabilitation with the organization Rescue Strays, he is now retrained on “how to feel love, to be loved, and how to love back.” He is now a friend and protector of any living thing.
Here is the rescue story of Pablo A Cane Corso Breed Dog Fighter.